Envision a digital world where your data is secure, and your online interactions are seamless and trustworthy.
Envision a digital world where data breaches and cyberattacks are no longer concerns. Advances in cyberspace technology aim to create a secure and seamless online experience, crucial for everything from social media to global business. These innovations will ensure that your personal information remains private and secure.
Learn all about cyberspace under "Intro," understand potential risks under "Risks," discover the most hopeful scenarios under "Hope," and find out how to get involved under "Action."
- Agoric Open System Papers - Eric Drexler, Mark S. Miller. Classic papers on software agents participating in computational markets for digital assets and resources.
- Bitcoin: A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System - Satoshi Nakamoto. Classic paper that introduced bitcoin.
- Smart Contracts - Nick Szabo. Classic paper that introduced the concept of smart contracts.
- Crypto: An Oral Essay - A16z Podcast. Introductory essay on crypto basics.
- What is a Blockchain? - MIT. Explainer on history, mechanisms, and applications of blockchains.
- The Bitcoin Standard - Saifedean Ammous. On the rise of Bitcoin, focusing on the economic properties that have allowed it to grow, and its economic, political, and social implications.
- Check Your Financial Privilege - Alex Gladstein. On how Bitcoin helps support human rights, and fight financial repression inside authoritarian regimes around the world.
- Website. Vitalik Buterin’s personal website with regular posts on crytpoeconomics.
- FredEhrsam - Website. Fred Ehrsam’s personal website on how crypto will create new money, institutions, and the internet.
- Cypherpunks, The Cypherpunk Mailing List - Archive. FAQ and mailing list from the cypherpunk community that was instrumental in building much of the cryptocommerce of today.
- Bitcoin and the End of History - Reason. Documentary about a few cypherpunks and their contributions to building today’s cryptographic infrastructure.
- If I Hardforked: A Doxxing of Satoshi Nakamoto - Andrew Miller. Poem about forking.
- Computersecurity As The Future of Law - Mark Miller.
- Network State - Balaji Srinivasan.
- What Do I Think About Network States? - Vitalik Buterin. Replies to Balaji’s book with a few suggestions for modifications around externalities and inclusivity.
- Gaming the Future - Mark Miller, Christine Peterson, Allison Duettmann. On cryptocommerce’s potential to help humans cooperate and defend against existential risks.
- Crypto Tools for Paretotopia - Juan Benet. On how economic growth and cryptography-tools can help advance civilization toward pareto preferred worlds.
- AI DAOs and Three Paths to get There - Trent McConaghy. Also: Nature 2.0. Combines and extends AI and blockchain into a symbiosis of biology and machine, for a future of abundance.
- Impact DAOs - Kevin Owocki, Alejandra Borda. Book mapping out ImpactDAOs in the web3 space.
- DeSci - Vincent Weisser. Explainer on Decentralized Science with link list.
- DeSci: Tech Trees to Fund Ambitious Science & Tech - Allison Duettmann. On decentralized technology trees to find and fund undervalued scientific areas to advance crucial scientific domains.
- Radical Markets - Eric Posner, Glen Weyl. Also: Decentralized Society: Finding Web3’s Soul - Glen Weyl, Puja Olhaver, Vitalik Buterin.On how quadratic funding, soul-bound tokens, and other crypto-innovations can reinvent much of our existing economy in crypto and enables the creation of entirely novel institutions.
- Endgame - Vitalik Buterin. On making large blockchains trustless and censorship resistant.
- Why Cryptoeconomics and X-Risk Researchers Should Listen to Each Other More - Vitalik Buterin. On fruitful intersections between Crypto and X-risks.
- Crypto-Economic Approaches to X-risks - Allison Duettmann. Talk on various X-risks and which crypto tools could be useful in addressing them.
- A View of the Future of Our Data - Matt Prewitt. On how data coalitions can help provide humans with self-sovereign data ownership.
- SeL4: Formal Proofs of Real-World Cybersecurity | Gernot Heiser - Foresight Institute. On the SeL4 microkernel as a promising component of a viable computer security approach.
- Dominant Assurance Contracts | Alex Tabarrok, Tools for Openness | Audrey Tang, Zero-knowledge Cooperation | Zooko, Cryptocommerce Tree, Crypto, Computing & AI Tree, Split Contracts - Foresight Institute. Seminar recordings on novel cryptographic tools to experiment with solutions for cooperation challenges across individuals or collective action problems.
- How the Extropians Quest for Digital Cash Secured our Trips to the Stars - Aaron van Wirdum. Article on how extropians were crucial in advancing early crypto, space, and other futurist developments.
- Neuromancer - William Gibson. Early defining cyberpunk, not always positive.
- Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson. Introducing the concept of the metaverse.
- Islands In The Net - Bruce Sterling. On the decreasing relevance of nation states to individual human lives and geopolitics.
- True Names - Vernor Vinge. Early sci-fi story on cyberspace, shaping the cyberpunk genre.
Staying Up to Date: Conferences, News, Podcasts
- Financial Cryptography Conference with Bitcoin Workshop Track - A major international forum for research, advanced development, education, exploration, and debate regarding information assurance, with a specific focus on commercial contexts.
- Ethereum Conferences - Events to meet people in the global Ethereum community, learn about employment opportunities, and develop new skills.
- DWeb Conference. Internet Archive’s Decentralized Web conference.
- DefCon - Hacker and security conference.
Gearing into Action: Projects and Organizations
- Satoshi Nakamoto Institute - has early Email lists, protocols, background resources on Bitcoin.
- Electronic Frontier Foundation - An international non-profit digital rights group.
- Internet Archive - A non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
- Center for Long-term Cybersecurity - Is developing and shaping cybersecurity research and practice based on a long-term vision of the internet and its future.
- OpenMined - We are on a mission to help each member of society to answer their most important questions by empowering them to learn from data owned and governed by others.
- Ethereum Foundation - Dedicated to supporting the Ethereum blockchain and related technologies.
- Protocol Labs - We build protocols, tools, and services to radically improve the internet.
- Gitcoin - A platform where you get paid to work on open source software.
- RMIT - A blockchain innovation hub.
- SeL4 Foundation - Sel4-focused computer security foundation.
- Plurality Research Network - Convenes researchers from computer science, political ethics, sociology, and government, who are experimenting with plural technologies.