Gearing into Action: Projects and Organizations

Lorem Ipsum

Satoshi Nakamoto Institute - has early Email lists, protocols, background resources on Bitcoin.

Electronic Frontier Foundation -  An international non-profit digital rights group.

Internet Archive - A non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.

Center for Long-term Cybersecurity - Is developing and shaping cybersecurity research and practice based on a long-term vision of the internet and its future.

OpenMined - We are on a mission to help each member of society to answer their most important questions by empowering them to learn from data owned and governed by others.

Ethereum Foundation - Dedicated to supporting the Ethereum blockchain and related technologies.

Protocol Labs -  We build protocols, tools, and services to radically improve the internet. 

Gitcoin - A platform where you get paid to work on open source software.

RMIT - A blockchain innovation hub.

SeL4 Foundation - Sel4-focused computer security foundation. 

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